design with artificial intelligence based processes
university of applied arts Vienna
i.o.a - institute of architecture
master - seminar 2020/21
supervisor - Zeynep Aksöz
collaboration - Kyle Koops, Martin Lai, Tala Sawmeh, Velina Iantcheva & Zach Beale
The project relies on the technique of face recognition. Nowadays the use of face recognition has become more and more. However, people are not fully in charge of how simple the process (once the whole pipeline is programmed) of detecting their face can be. The base is given by a database of movies, sorted according to their displayed emotions. The planned setup had been to detect the emotion of people while they would enter the first room. Arriving at the second room, a movie scene would have been played which mirrors the before detected emotion. However, due to the pandemic we switched the proposal to detecting emotions of people while having a video call. The AI reads the emotion of the speaking person and plays simultaneously the equal emotion of a movie scene. The last video visualizes the process.
Software: Face Detection AI (OpenVINO), Unity C#, Grasshopper, Adobe After Effects, Irfanview & Zoom
special organisation
technical process
issues to filter out
A Streetcar Named Desire - 1947
emotion tracking