bauakademie Berlin
technical university Vienna
bachelor - bachelor thesis 2019
“überall ist man nur wahrhaft lebending wenn man neues schafft.” - Karl Friedrich Schinkel
supervisor - Franz Karner
exhibited - Entwerfenausstellung 2020 / TU Vienna
published - Bauakademie Berlin / TU Vienna - Institute Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen
What shall a historical place that has been such an important political and archeological venue at different times in history look like? To tell you more about it, the historical „Bauakademie“ was planned between 1832 and 1836 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, torn down despite its good condition in 1962 in order to build the ministry of foreign af - fairs of the DDR, that, in turn, was torn down again in 1995. For a long time, Berlin ’s citizens have been asking about the reconstruction. Today, I can disclose the secret. Even Schinkel, in those days, uttered that things can only be truly alive when something new is created. An essential point is the fact that Schinkel has been gone for a long time and no architect – no matter how good they might be - can think in an absolute way, like Schinkel would think. This, in my opinion, makes the question of a reconstruction unnecessary. However, this does not mean that the new „Bauakademie “ will turn its back on Schinkel. No, it tries to seize Schinkel ’s spirit and transfer it into contemporary architecture. The room arrangement was realized as heterogenous as in the original concept. The „Bauakademie “ will become a place of architectural exchange, mediation, communication, discourse, teaching, interaction and relaxation.
Geometrie: Archicad
Visualization: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop
Model: CNC Milling & Laser Cutting

special concept & urban context - Berlin

concept & exhibition

floor plan & section

section perspective - foyer & exhibition

milled mdf model - 1:200

visualisation - foyer & exhibition