4th place
university of applied arts - Vienna
i.o.a - institute of architecture
studio - GREG LYNN
master thesis - design studio 2022/23
AAA _ die Angewandte abschlussarbeiten
Fourth Place conceives a new civic typology that facilitates in-person social engagement through practical combining of communication technologies and the built environment. The project reinterprets the work of sociologist Ray Oldenburg, in which the First Place is identified as home, the Second Place is work, and the Third Place is defined as a neutral public space that acts as a backdrop for social interaction.
Fourth Place is a synthesis of the First, Second, and Third Places with the ambition to mediate an informal public space existing within the confluences between each typology. The conceptualization of this new public setting exists only in this realm of ‘in-between’. It is not a new spatial typology, but a new civic typology that invokes new spatial relationships. Fourth Place hosts a virtual library, symposium center, cafe, auditorium and makerspace. New spatial relationships emerge as a result of the clustering of these disparate yet coinciding cultural spaces into a singular entity. Fourth Place is a speculation towards how architecture will adapt to the increasing synthesis of digital networks and the built environment.
Geometrie: Rhinoceros & Grasshopper
Visualization: Twinmotion & Vray
Animations: Twinmotion & Adobe After Effects
Model: 3D Printing, CNC Milling
00 _ Physical Section Model 1:200 & Presentation
01 _ Definition of 3rd & 4th Place
02 _ Social environments
03 _ Urban context - Vienna 1030
04 _ Concept: Virtual Library & Learning center
05 _ Program & Physical Social media interaction
06 _ Section & People simulation
07 _ Visualizations
08 _ Usertype Destinations: Visualizations
Usertype: Auditorium
Usertype: Symposium Center
Usertype: Readers Cafe
Usertype: Virtual Library
Usertype: Maker space
09 _ Usertype Destinations: Animations
Usertype: Symposium Center
Usertype: Virtual Library
Usertype: Auditorium
10 _ Physical model 1:200 & Thesis presentation